yes as you see, it's been a while since I've last posted art or even participated on this year's events
I have come with some good news and bad news.... good news is that I am at my last month of school so that means I would finally have the free time to focus on my hobbies more on the days robbed
bad news is that, our final quarter is running on a span of LITERALLY A MONTH and this month is packed with readiness exams and midterms next week. One week after is normal class but that means we have a lot of group presentations to worry about and then after that week is LITERALLY FINALS. . . and then the week after finals is when we have to prepare for our year-end school musical
Even before that, we're already so bombarded with a lot of stuff to do so I sincerely apologize if Im not able to make more content, especially for this week since it's Pico day
Best wishes finishing up school homey!11