ah yes..... new year, NEW ME(NTAL PROBLEMS) (I really love this quote so much idk why but its just like me fr)
but honestly, HAPPY 2023 NEWGROUNDS (AND EVERYONE IN GENERAL) !! As I am writing this, I am currently 1 year and 3 months old in this community and I know the situation in 2022 turned out better than from 2021, but having to be choked with the AGONY of highschool and personal problems hindered my activity in this sweet artistic escapade and most of my plans that I envisioned for 2022 back in 2021 barely went through. BUT HEYYY IT AIN'T OVER YET!! I SWORE TO MYSELF THAT I'LL REDEEM MYSELF AND STARTING THIS DAY, I'LL DO MY BEST TO BECOME MORE INTERACTIVE AND PASSIONATE HERE.. just like the good ole days from when I was just months old in Newgrounds. AAAAND AT THE SAME TIME, REDEEM MYSELF IN GENERAL (the only thing that'll prolly change for the worse would be my mental health BUT HEY LETS NOT THINK ABT THAT FOR NOW)
We all know 2020 was damned and 2021 was its successor, but let's all hope 2022 decides to break the chains of this pandemic so we won't have to stay in our homes 24/7 and actually do what we really wanted to do in the outside world.
-(From my news post during the start of 2022)
And I'm glad that we finally were able to do what we want that the pandemic took away from us. Everyone's finally going outside, meeting other people, returning to productivity and much MORE!! I SWEAR THE PANDEMIC WAS A HUGE SHIT SHOW BUT WE MADE IT OUT ALIVE!! (for those who lost their love ones during the pandemic, know that they're (if not all, most) very proud of you for surviving a phenomena that happens once a lifetime)
Aside from that, I just wanna thank ya'll for 100 followers on Newgrounds!! It was my dream as a kid to be a well known artist and I know that my journey still has a long way to go, but there's gonna be a HUGE TON OF HARDSHIP AS WELL but hopefully I'll be able to go through all of em. I look forward to meeting more cool peeps and chasing more opportunities to come, and as always, I FUCKING FORGOT WHAT TO SAY LMAO BUT THANK YOU ALL AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRR
Your goofy and crinj Pinoy NGer,
ShidoniDrella (SantaDrella)
New mental problems lmao. XD I mean that's nothing to laugh at but... nicely worded. Too true. Hope you get more new you and less of the latter though!
Happy New Year and Congrats on the hundred! And on the first NG anniversary! And at least you seem optimistic! And energetic! And hellbent on doing whatever you can to make things as good as they possibly can be uraaaahh!!
High hopes for 2023, whatever happens!